Course Overview
Course Content
- Version Control/Revision Control system
- The types of VCS
- The benefits of using VCS
- What is GIT?
- The difference between GIT and other VCS
- Where to use Git and where not to use it
- Web Scale architecture
- Install Git on Windows/Mac/Linux/Unix
- Understand Git file life cycle
- Create Git repository – Local repository and configure it to GitHub
- Create a repository on GitHub and clone it
- Understand basic Git commands
- Git command shortcuts
- Revisit the Git file lifecycle with Git terminology
- Hands-On
- User Management
- GitHub Account Creation and Configuration
- Permissions with Organization
- Access Control for SSH and HTTP access
- Differences between the HTTPS and SSH Authentication Strategies
- Local Protocol
- HTTP Protocol
- SSH Protocol
- Setting Up the Git Server
- GitLab Administration
- Working with GitLab
- Hands-On