![to Install Ansible in AWS ec2](https://www.emexotechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Ansible-for-AWS-min.jpg)
For infrastructure hosted by AWS, if you need to manage the deployment of an instance or application/service, you can take the approach of having a dedicated EC2 Ansible instance that performs all the necessary steps. This tutorial shows you how to install Ansible in AWS ec2 (EC2 Amazon Linux2) instance.
The AWS instance must be running and accessible.
Install ansible in AMI instance:
In AMI instance:
For Amazon Linux, Ansible can be installed using pip. You can use the following commands:
Use $ sudo -i to switch the ec2 user to root.
$ sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
$ yum repolist 🡪 ( you should see epel repo)
$ yum install ansible -y
$ ansible --version
![to Install Ansible in AWS ec2](https://www.emexotechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Screenshot-2022-07-02-160509.jpg)
- create a new user using the below command
$ useradd -d /home/ansi -m ansi
- create a password for ansi
$ passwd ansi
![to Install Ansible in AWS ec2- username](https://www.emexotechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Screenshot-2022-07-02-161746.jpg)
[root@ip-172-31-3-162 ~]# passwd -x -1 ansi
Adjusting aging data for user ansi.
passwd: Success
[root@ip-172-31-3-162 ~]#
Add this user in the sudoers file.
Give the permission to edit the sudoers file using root user
[root@ip-172-31-3-162 ~]# sudo chown root:root /etc/sudoers
[root@ip-172-31-3-162 ~]# sudo chmod 0755 /etc/sudoers
$ vi /etc/sudoers
Add the below content and save it.
3. Then log in to the instance as an ansi user.
$ su - ansi
4. Do shh on this user
$ ssh ansi@<ipaddress>
5. We are currently experiencing a permission denial issue (Publickey). You need to add an SSH key to resolve this issue
![to Install Ansible in AWS ec2 - generate key](https://www.emexotechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Screenshot-2022-07-02-163527.jpg)
6. let’s generate ssh-key
$ ssh-keygen
![to Install Ansible in AWS ec2 - authorized key](https://www.emexotechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Screenshot-2022-07-02-165014.jpg)
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 ~]$ chmod 700 .ssh/
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 ~]$ chown ansi:ansi .ssh/
Then go to the .ssh folder and create a file called “authorized_keys“.
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 ~]$ cd .ssh/
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 .ssh]$ vi authorized_keys
Paste the contents of the pub key (id_rsa.pub) into the authorized_keys file and save.
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 .ssh]$ chown ansi:ansi authorized_keys
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 .ssh]$ chmod 600 authorized_keys
Let’s copy the ssh key
$ ssh-copy-id ansi@<ipaddress>
Change the ownership of etc/ansible folder to ansi
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 ansible]$ sudo chown -R ansi:ansi /etc/ansible
[ansi@ip-172-31-3-162 ansible]$ sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/ansible/
Next, let’s add and save the IP host file under the local group
Then test the ping command
$ ansible –m ping all
Add the node ips in hostfile
Copy the .pem conternt in another file (server.pem)
Add hostfile:
[node] ansible_user=ec2-user
[ansi@ip-172-31-24-192 ansible]$ chmod 600 server.pem
[ansi@ip-172-31-24-192 ansible]$ ansible -m ping node --private-key=server.pem
[ansi@ip-172-31-24-192 ansible]$ ansible -m ping all --private-key=server.pem
testing ansible
This is another way for new users.
Allowed key files in the node must be allowed
chmod 777 authorized_keys
[ansi@ip-172-31-24-192 ansible]$ scp -i server.pem /home/ansi/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ec2-user@ip-172-31-21-227.ap-south-1.compute.internal:/home/ansi/.ssh/authorized_keys