Course Overview
Course Content
- Structure and Working of Deep Learning
- Detailed explanation about Perceptron
- Different Activation functions
- Introduction to TensorFlow
- What is the computational graph?
- Basic TensorFlow coding and graph visualization
- Brief introduction about Variables, Constants, and Place Holders
- Creating a simple TensorFlow model
- Hands-on: Build a classification model using TensorFlow
- Different layers in the Neural network
- Understanding Neural Networks in Detail
- Introduction to Multi-layer Perceptron
- What is Forward propagation and Backpropagation?
- Build a Multi-layer perceptron model using TensorFlow
- Familiarise with using Tensor Board
- Hands-on: Build a deep neural network to classify digits in the MNIST dataset
- What is a Deep Neural Network?
- How did Deep Neural Network help to increase accuracy?
- Understanding the working of Deep Neural Networks
- What are Weight and Bias, and how it is getting updated?
- How gradient descent is useful to update parameters?
- Types of Deep Networks
- Hands-on: Building a classification model using a Multi-layered perceptron.
- Introduction to RNN
- How RNN is different from other Neural Network models
- Structure and working of RNN
- Exploding and Vanishing Gradient descent problem
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
- How did LSTM overcome the problem of Vanishing Gradient descent?
- Real-time use cases of LSTM
- Hands-on: Building an RNN model to predict the next word in the sentence.
- Introduction to Keras
- How to build a Model in Keras using TensorFlow backend
- Sequential and Functional Composition
- Explaining Predefined Neural Network Layers
- What is Batch Normalization?
- How to save and load a model
- Using TensorBoard with Keras
- Hands-on: Building an image classification model using Keras
- Introduction to TFLearn
- How to build a Model in TFLearn using TensorFlow backend
- Sequential and Functional Composition
- Explaining Predefined Neural Network Layers
- What is Batch Normalization?
- How to save and load a model
- Using TensorBoard with TFLearn
- Hands-on: Building a Neural network model to classify the digits in the MNIST dataset using TFLearn