Course Overview
Course Content
- Virtual Network Architecture
- Create a Virtual Network
- Create a Network Security Group
- Deploy VM to the Virtual Network
- Configure DNS
- Configure Static IP
- User-Defined Routing
- VNet Peering
- Express Route and Site-to-Site VPN
- Hands-On: Create a Virtual network, configure the firewall and deploy a VM to the network
- What is Availability and how it is achieved?
- High Availability Architecture
- Availability Zones
- Availability Sets
- Create and Configure a Load Balancer
- Application Gateways
- Create VMs to work with Load Balancer
- Understanding N-Tier Application Architecture
- Hands-On: Create VMs and manage the traffic via Load Balancer
- Understanding N-Tier Application Architecture
- Hands-On: Create VMs and manage the traffic via Load Balancer
- Create VMs to work with Load Balancer